Exhibitions Calendar
Exhibitions Calendar
Exhibitions Calendar
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Past Exhibitions

01/02/2023 – 05/02/2023
“Made in Moldova” is not a new concept and that if we refer to a live exhibition, in a real exhibition center. This year, in the pandemic conditions that persist all over the world, CCI of the Republic of Moldova expresses all hopes for the realization of the 20th edition in the traditional format, but… View Article
01/04/2022 – 15/04/2022
Expoziția virtuală Mărcile comerciale din 2022 este evenimentul care își propune expunerea întreprinderilor mici și mijlocii din toate sectoarele economiei Republicii Moldova către o audiență fără hotare, ceea ce ar duce la facilitarea activității de business global, creșterea numărului de contacte și noi contracte, precum și găsirea noilor clienți sau furnizori. În sala de expoziții fiecare… View Article

03/06/2021 – 19/06/2021
SMExpo 2021 is the event that aims to present small and medium enterprises from all economic sectors of the Republic of Moldova to the international audience. This would facilitate global business, increase the number of contacts and new contracts, and support enterprises in identifying new customers or suppliers. In the exhibition hall, each SME… View Article

15/12/2020 – 20/12/2020
Expo Business Moldova 2020, with the slogan “Believe in our products!”, is the first virtual exhibition in the country, which aims to highlight and promote as many products and services from all branches of the national economy. The CCI of the Republic of Moldova, as the organizer, aims to reflect the market of the… View Article
02/11/2020 – 04/11/2020
ATTENTION!!! *The given exhibition is a demonstration. Anything like a reality is a coincidence. Expo Textile Brand Moldova is the event dedicated to the apparel and textile industry. It is a high quality business platform for the textile sector, where all professionals come together to share information and exchange ideas regarding the best textiles, fabrics,… View Article